"...the more we learn the more we see that other animals are smarter and more creative than we give them credit for, or perhaps ever imagined. Best to keep an open mind about the cognitive skills of the animals with whom we share our homes and the rest of the planet for "surprises" are continually forthcoming. " Marc Bekoff


Wednesday, November 2, 2011


After a stressful workday...there's NOTHING like a GVH PUPPY SOCIALZATION class to put a smile on your face, warm your heart and make one's body overflow with OXYTOCIN!

I thought I'd provide a link to  a past blog from my pro bono site for GVH puppy classes.  A little of what I covered you'll recognize below.  Our classes are jam packed full of information!

If anyone's interested I am available for private sessions.   Give me a shout.  1-778-970-0770.
My style is very systematic and affordable.  I won't load you up with an overwhelming amount of info and then leave you to figure it out for yourself for a large fee.

If you are just looking for options, or ideas on training methods, please check out my pro-bono blog:

Fresh Start Dog Training

Dr. Honey also mentioned at the end of the class to WATCH out for TICKS!!!!  Fall is prime time for the resurgence!  Please check your puppies, head to toe, when you come in from walks.  I found ticks on my guys a few times when coming in from our own back yard!  GVH has tick keys which take the YUCK out of having to touch these beasts with our own fingers and more importantly remove them!

After puppy socialization, we talked about the importance of getting puppies accustomed to handling.  Leaning over them to pick them up, handling their feet for nail trims, running your hands along their body, naming body parts, taking turns having stranger approach and cuddle up your puppy, ensuring they LOVED every second of the interaction.  If NOT, we just took note, and watched their body language and associated touch with something delicious!

Pat Miller has great articles on desensitization techniques and how to tell if your puppy's uncomfortable with what you're doing.

The Gift of Growling

We also practiced diving for treats having them associate putting a muzzle on with something they LOVE...hmmm....tonight dehydrated beef liver was it!

Play is such an important learning tool for pups!

Mark Beckoff- The Ethical Dog

It not only releases pent up energy, and tires them out, they learn to use their mouths with appropriate gentle force in order for the fun to continue. They also learn by playing with other puppies, different breeds, shapes and sizes, how to adjust their play styles to accommodate their playpal's comfort, interrupting often means their bodies get use to rev up and chill out on their own... and most importantly that using their mouths and full on body contact is BEST left to those of the four legged types.

Us humans are far too delicate for that rough and tumble play.

We prefer cuddles, kisses, playing with toys (balls, kongs, ropes...)" find it" games  (like tonight find the treats under and in the cones) , learning tricks and "obedience" cues with four on the floor please :)

Dr. Sophia Yin has a great blog post & pic's on how children (even us big kids) can safely interact w/dogs  kids-and-dogs .  If you haven't already downloaded it, she has a GREAT "Perfect Puppy in 7 Days" ebook if anyone's interested as well.  Step by step!

Here's my little 7yr old beagle George teaching Keegan puppy to be mindful and gentle during play.

Noisy George and Keegan...have the talent of giving people heart attacks with their noisy play!

CHEERS till next week if I don't see you on SAT for the PUPPY 'LET's GO!" class!

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